Why Functional Skills qualifications are important?

Why Functional Skills qualifications are important? Functional skills qualifications are designed to be an alternative to the traditional GCSE route. This qualification offers learners an alternative route in to education.

LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month LGBT History Month is dedicated to celebrate the diversity that encompasses the nation and the globe. It explores the journey that a select few who were marginalized

Why are Functional Skills important?

Why are Functional Skills important? Functional skills have become ever more common as more and more people chase these qualifications. But what are they and why have they become so

FREE (funded) English and Maths Courses in London

FREE Functional Skills Maths and English Courses in London #free #freecourses #freefunctionalskills #fundedcourses #fundedfunctional skills #functionalskill #mathslevel2 #cityandguilds #mathscourses #onlinemaths Without GCSEs, you need Functional Skills Maths and English qualifications

Functional Skills Maths Online Course

Functional Skills Maths Online Course #functionalskill #mathslevel2 #cityandguilds #mathscourses #onlinemaths Mathematics does not come easily to everybody. In fact, lots of us would say it was our least favorite subject

Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam 

Functional Skills Maths  Level 2 Exam Centre-based or online exams Are you frustrated by the fact you need a GCSE equivalent Math qualification to get into your dream university course,

Need Maths Level 2 for University?

Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam in London It is that time of the year! If you applied to university and you need to evidence GCSE A-C grade equivalent qualification, Functional

Need English Level 2 for a Job?

Functional Skills English Level 2 Exam in London It is that time of the year! If you applied to university and you need to evidence GCSE A-C grade equivalent qualification,

Careers Advice

Book an one-to-one careers session with one of our advisers. We offer both face-to-face and telephone support service. 

Careers Advice Session